NAELA Foundation FAQ
The mission of the NAELA Foundation is to advocate for the rights of older Americans and people with special needs by focusing on litigation and regulatory advocacy, amicus briefs, research and education/scholarships.

Why is there a Foundation?
The NAELA Foundation was born from the idea that NAELA’s credibility and authority could influence and change policy through advocacy and litigation, all in an effort to improve the lives of our clients. As a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, the Foundation offers funding and resources to support specific goals of both members and clients. Learn more about the Foundation’s mission and impact. 

Has the Foundation been successful?
Yes! NAELA Foundation grants play a critical role in supporting litigation, regulatory advocacy, and education. The Foundation’s grants have resulted in setting legal precedent in key areas of the law, collaborating with organizations seeking NAELA's support, and providing educational opportunities on topics important to NAELA members and their clients. Moreover, we’ve served as a national voice to safeguard the interests and benefits of seniors and people with special needs. 

I pay dues each year - why donate more?
Optional contributions that are a part of the annual membership dues request will not allow us to meet the growing litigation and advocacy demands we foresee. The desired financial model uses current fiscal sources to cover the day-to-day expenses of the Foundation and dedicates newly raised funds to expanding our reach through litigation and advocacy initiatives and partnerships with like-minded organizations and NAELA State Chapters, including:

Addressing issues on Capitol Hill. With the ever changing political climate, NAELA Foundation funding for research, litigation, and regulatory advocacy protects the interests of our members and their clients.
Writing amicus briefs, which historically have influenced lawmakers in reaching sound legal judgments to benefit our clients, while earning NAELA attorneys and our organization additional authority and credibility in our field.
Increasing professional development for NAELA members through vehicles such as scholarships to help ensure the next generation of litigators and advocates is prepared to address the needs of their clients.
Why should I donate to the Foundation when I’m asked to donate to so many causes?
The NAELA Foundation is unique in that we support both NAELA members and their clients. With the financial support provided by the Foundation, NAELA attorneys are able to address and challenge, through advocacy and litigation, the regulatory and legal actions that could be detrimental to their clients’ quality of life. Donating to the NAELA Foundation ensures the work that is being done on behalf of our clients continues and firmly secures our position as a respected and leading voice in the field of elder and special needs law.

How will a donation to my state chapter be used vs. a donation to the Foundation?
While goals on the state level may vary from those on the national level, the overarching mission remains the same. The NAELA Foundation aims to develop an alliance with state chapters who share similar goals and, through this collaboration, offer funding to support the litigation and advocacy the chapters are undertaking. 

Can I pledge a gift?
Yes, gifts may be pledged for up to five years. We will work with you to arrange the optimal payment schedule for your gift.  Donate online or scroll down to download the Pledge Commitment Form. 

How do I make a planned gift?
Please contact NAELA to make a planned gift that will impart your legacy on the work of NAELA and the Foundation. Some options for planned giving include an IRA Charitable Rollover, a Charitable Gift Annuity, a Deferred Charitable Gift Annuity, a Pooled Life Income Fund, a Charitable Remainder Unitrust, a Charitable Bequest, or a Charitable Lead Trust.

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