Find Michigan NAELA Attorney Members



This Directory is the property of NAELA. Any person accessing this Directory thereby consents to the following terms of use: (1) this Directory may be utilized solely by consumers and professionals in identifying and locating elder and special needs law attorneys to provide legal services; (2) without limiting the foregoing, this Directory may not be used to solicit the purchase of any product or service by any person listed in the Directory;  and (3) this Directory and its contents may not be appropriated or subject to any process in the nature of data mining or extraction.

Search tips for finding a NAELA Member Attorney

This list is sorted by last name.  Additional sorts by first name, city and zip code can be viewed by clicking on the title header at the top of the list.  Click on the name of the attorney for additional details and business address.  If you need assistance with finding an attorney, please contact us at [email protected].

A Wealth of Experience
Information about members with distinction CAP, CELA or Experience listings can be found

Michigan NAELA Attorney Directory