Quality of Life for Clients w/ Dementia (2021)

NAELA Annual Conference 2021
Advocating for Maximizing the Quality of Life for Persons with Dementia & Alzheimer's (persons over 65). Less Law, More Love. How to Maximize Quality of Life for Clients with Dementia. Elder law practitioners and the multidisciplinary professional teams they lead can assist families in preserving dignity and independence for people with dementia through a structured system for managing the continuum of care including navigation of long-term care systems and supports, advocacy for appropriate high-quality care, and providing education and counseling for family caregivers. While utilizing a multidisciplinary approach including attorneys, insurance advocates, and professional care coordinators, we have found a reported higher quality of life for both the person with the disability and the family caregiver. During this presentation, we will detail the role and functions of the multidisciplinary team members and illustrate this approach with a case study. 2021 Annual Conference
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Debra King

Takacs McGinnis Elder Care Law PLLC

Hendersonville, TN

Barbara Boone McGinnis, CELA

Takacs McGinnis Elder Care Law PLLC

Hendersonville, TN

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