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Members of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys offer a wealth of information and expertise on topics ranging from long-term care to Medicare, Medicaid, and planning for disability.

The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys

The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) is a professional association of more than 4,500 attorneys who are dedicated to improving the quality of legal services provided to seniors and people with special needs. NAELA members assist their clients with public benefits, probate and estate planning, guardianship/conservatorship, and health and long-term care planning, among other important issues.

Membership is comprised of attorneys in the private and public sectors as well as judges, professors of law, and students. Our membership directory is available online and is continuously updated.

NAELA was founded in 1987 as a professional association of attorneys who are dedicated to improving the quality of legal services provided to people as they age and people with special needs. The primary focus of the Academy is education. The Academy sponsors continuing legal education programs on elder law and special needs planning for attorneys throughout the year, and provides publications and educational materials to its members on a wide range of elder law and special needs planning topics.

The Academy seeks to provide support to other organizations serving people as they age and people with disabilities. NAELA also examines and advocates on public policy issues facing seniors and people with special needs. 

or call 703-942-5711 #230.

Contact Us

If you are a member of the media or part of an organization who is looking to connect with a NAELA subject matter expert, please use the contact form below.  We do not offer legal advice - if you are looking for legal advice or counsel please use our public directory at to locate a licensed practicing NAELA member attorney.

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