Volume 36 Issue 2

You’re Fired: Can a Client of Questionable Capacity Terminate Your Representation?

By  Shari Polur, Esq.
For elder and special needs law attorneys, termination issues are more complex. Clients who are aging or suffering from mental health challenges present ethical duties for attorneys beyond basic client termination tasks.

Recent Pro-Beneficiary Changes to Medicare Policy

By  David A. Lipschutz, Esq.
We spend a considerable amount of our time trying to address barriers to care and other problems faced by Medicare beneficiaries. Sometimes, we need to stop and celebrate the successes.

The Venn and Zen of Supported Decision-Making and Guardianship

By  Mark T. Johnson, CELA
This article explores some of the trends in law and practice for guardianships and supported decision-making that overlap — where advocacy for either system should not make them inherently adverse.

The Little Chapter That Could

By  Brenna M. Galvin, Esq.
With just over 50 members, the Minnesota NAELA Chapter is small but mighty. From legislative advocacy to member education, learn how even a small chapter can make an important impact.

How to Run Your Elder Law Practice Successfully From Anywhere

By  Audrey Ehrhardt, Esq., CBC
When it comes to managing a successful elder law practice remotely, there are five key areas to consider to ensure productivity, client satisfaction, and exciting new opportunities.

President’s Message: A President’s Collection of NAELA Haiku

By  Bridget O’Brien Swartz, Esq.
Undoubtedly, each and every NAELA President before me has expressed their disbelief that they are nearing the end of their term and are writing their final message to our membership.

Apr/May/Jun 2024

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