Grant Requirements

All requests for funding advocacy efforts regarding regulatory matters are reviewed by NAELA’s Public Policy Steering Committee. Following review, a recommendation is made to the NAELA Foundation Board of Trustees for consideration. During review, either the NAELA Public Policy Steering Committee or the NAELA Foundation Board of Trustees may request additional information or clarification. When reviewing grant requests, the Board of Trustees will consider, in addition to the resources available, the following criteria:

  • Concerns issues of national significance or can serve as precedent in many states.
  • Involves important issues of access to the courts, such as abstention or the availability of relief under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 (whether in state or federal court).
  • Has potential to favorably reform the law or regulation in an area affecting the elderly and people with special needs.
  • Impacts the legal rights of seniors and those with special needs in a significant way.
  • Integrates closely with NAELA’s larger public policy priorities and current legislative and regulatory activities.
  • Affects the Elder Law Bar, as well as Elder Law and Special Needs clients.
  • A NAELA Chapter or allied organization is involved in the matter.
  • The individuals or entities seeking the grant have the necessary qualifications to pursue the matter to a successful conclusion.


Further Considerations

When reviewing grant requests, the Board of Trustees will consider, in addition to the resources available, the following criteria:
  • Attorney fees and costs, including attorney hourly work: out-of-pocket expenses, travel expenses to meetings with agency lawyers or agents).
  • Discovery efforts: couriers, copies, cataloging, public records requests, subpoenas, request for production and admissions, interrogatories.
  • Preparation of correspondence and pleadings: letters, fair hearing motions, rule challenges and memorandums of law.
  • Research on state and national fair hearing and case law precedent.
  • Expert witness fees for both pre-suit and post-suit including: fee for service, fee for participating in discovery, and fee for testifying at hearings.
  • Post-judgment work, agency enforcement, collection and appeals.

Application Process

All requests for funding advocacy efforts regarding regulatory matters will be reviewed by NAELA’s Public Policy Steering Committee. The Committee will then make a recommendation to the NAELA Foundation Board of Trustees for its consideration. During its review, either the NAELA Public Policy Steering Committee or the NAELA Foundation Board of Trustees may request additional information or clarification as needed.

All requests for funding advocacy efforts regarding litigation will be reviewed by NAELA’s Litigation Committee. The Committee will then make a recommendation to the NAELA Foundation Board of Trustees for its consideration. During its review, either the NAELA Litigation Committee or the NAELA Foundation Board of Trustees may request additional information or clarification as needed.

Grant Process

If the NAELA Foundation releases funding in support of the request, the NAELA Foundation may promote its contribution and involvement to the NAELA membership, allied organizations and the general public and media. If there is an award of fees and/or costs, the grantee will reimburse the NAELA Foundation from such award a share of the award in the same proportion as its donation was to all financial support received from all sources, but no more than the total amount of the grant.

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